Corinne's mother Judy devoted her life to helping victims of domestic abuse. It was Judy who started The Jan Foundation and now Judy has passed the mantle on to her daughter, who is passionate about continuing the good work that her mother started.
Corinne is a compassionate people person who understands the importance of good support networks. She has the pleasure of working with a team of strong confident women, who are on hand to offer their services, with the goal of empowering others to make changes in their lives.
Lisa has dedicated her career to empowering others through compassionate guidance and practical support.
She is a certified Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) practitioner, equipped with tools that promote emotional resilience and healing. Lisa's approach is practical, empathetic, and centred around equipping women with the skills they need to reclaim their strength and autonomy. She is passionate about creating a safe, non-judgmental space where women feel heard, supported, and motivated to take steps toward positive change.
Having personally experienced the challenges faced by women in domestic abusive relationship,
Lisa understands the complex emotions and obstacles that can make change feel daunting. This deeply personal connection fuels her commitment to supporting women not just with a listening ear but with actionable strategies that empower them to navigate their difficult situations, manage stress, and, when possible, transition to a place of safety and renewed hope.